Attention: Product Creators, Coaches, Authors, Speakers, and Entrepreneurs…
How to Profit with eCourses is Currently in HOME STUDY and Live Again During Fall 2025! – Come Aboard Now and You’ll Have Access to All 22 of Our Previously Recorded Live Sessions to Ensure Your Great Success in Profiting with eCourses, Niche Sites, and More!
Our Goal is Your Great Success!
You’ve Got the Knowledge and Skills. You Know People Will Pay Money to Know What You Know. Isn’t It Time to Share What You Know With The World AND Make a Profit for Yourself While Doing So?
This Course Will Show You How to Turn Your Knowledge Into Income…
How to Profit with eCourses
This is the “Fast Track” to List Building, Monetization, and Growing Your Business Exponentially During 2025…and Beyond!
Want To Learn About eCourses from Experienced Marketers?
Want to Learn About Course Presentation from Experienced Teachers?
Connie and Norma Can Help You By Teaching You Everything They Know About How to Profit with eCourses!
I’m Connie Ragen Green and I have been working exclusively online since 2006. When I first encountered the world of online marketing back in the early fall of 2005, I was enthralled with the idea of “making money while I slept”. I soon discovered that this was hard work and set about to learn as much as I could during my every waking hour. And one part of being an online entrepreneur was glaringly obvious to me immediately…I needed a way to connect with my prospects quickly and easily. Now I want to teach you how to do the same exact thing with my new “How to Profit with eCourses” training course.
I’m Norma Allen Esler and I’m excited to be working with Connie to help you build your own eCourses and take your message to the world. At heart and by profession, I’m a teacher. I’ve homeschooled, taught in classrooms and online, and written curriculum used by thousands of homeschooling families. I’ve also been marketing online since the dinosaur days of the world wide web, way back in 1997. More recently, I’ve been developing coaching and training products to share what I’ve learned about working and teaching online.
It lights me up to see my clients and students learning and moving forward by putting what they’ve learned into practice. I want to see you, not just creating your own eCourses but, making a profit while doing so. It would make my day to see you moving forward in your life and business. We want to help YOU live the life of your dreams.
We’ll show you how to get your eCourse up and running quickly, what the best tools are for running successful eCourses…
Introducing Our New Training:
How to Profit with eCourses: Turn Your Knowledge Into Income
…A Comprehensive New “University Level” Training Program and Master Class to Help You Easily Build Your eCourses and Share Your Knowledge and Become Profitable Online This Year And Beyond
“How to Profit with eCourses” Will Teach You:
- How to plan your eCourse to meet the needs of your audience
- When to give your eCourse away and when to charge a premium
- How to monetize your eCourse for maximum profit
- Why you need to provide multiple recommendations to your clients
Are You Finally Ready to Take an Objective Look at Where You Are Right Now and to Evaluate Your Most Logical Next Steps? If So, Then Please Let Us Help You Move Forward Quickly to Increase Your Online Income (or Start Earning For the First Time) and Grow Your Online Business to Earn Substantial Income This Year and Beyond.
Harness the Power of eCourses Achieve Your Goals…
“Seasons One Through Four” are Waiting For You! Please Join Us for “How to Profit with eCourses” Today… All Sessions Are Recorded and Added to Your Member’s Area for Your Home Study Review.
“How to Profit with eCourses” Can Change Your Life!
With so many people working and learning from home, eCourses are becoming the best choice for getting information fast. If you’re looking at building an online business, you should definitely have an eCourse, or several, in your business plan.
It’s the information age, after all. People are going online for two basic reasons: to get information and to be entertained. If you can fulfill both of these goals for your target audience, you are on your way to having a successful business!
Of course, there are many other things involved in the process such as determining a profitable niche, finding your potential buyers, writing content, setting things up, delivering your course, getting paid, and establishing some kind of recurring income by providing ongoing value for your customers.
If this all sounds daunting to you, you’re not alone! Maybe you planned to offer ecourses and gave it up as just too complicated. Maybe you spent a pile of money on software that was difficult to use and wouldn’t behave the way you wanted it to. Maybe you tried putting up an ecourse and only got the sound of chirping crickets for your efforts. Maybe you’re new to all this and just not sure where to begin.
How to Profit with eCourses has been designed to get you set up and making money by helping your audience get the information they need to solve their problems.
Not only that, but you’ll learn how to add extra value to your eCourses that will make them even more profitable for you. You’ll even find tips on adding recurring value so that you’ll keep on getting paid, long after your students have finished their eCourse. How is this possible? We’ll show you how to include valuable recommendations with your course that are like the icing on the cake, both in terms of offering extra help to your customers and providing extra income for you.
We’ll Be Teaching You Strategies and Methods That Can Be Accomplished Very Quickly, No Matter Which Niche and Target Audience You’re Serving. You’re the Entrepreneur, So It’s Completely Up To You!
We All Possess The Ability To Communicate Our Message To Other Human Beings…This Ability Will Enable You To Earn More Income Than You Ever Thought Possible When You Use eCourses To Present Your Content
A special note from Connie…
“This isn’t a training on the theory of creating eCourses. Theory has its place, but this training course – How to Profit with eCourses – is about the practical side of creating and presenting your content in a way that earns you a profit. I have personally tested and refined everything I am teaching you so I know it works well. And you can do this from anywhere in the world! Over the past fifteen years my business has carried on profitably from the beaches of southern California, internet cafes across Europe, remote areas of Asia, across the United States during a twenty-one day, seventeen state road trip, islands throughout the Caribbean, as well as from my home offices in both Santa Barbara and Santa Clarita, California. This is all thanks to the content creation principles I continue to use. I’ll teach you exactly how to do the same thing, in a way that suits your lifestyle and goals.”
Our Motto Is To “Keep It Simple”
Just as we do with our mentoring and coaching clients, our goal with this training is to keep it all simple. By this we mean that you’ll only be exposed to what you need and what is working for us (Norma and Connie) and for other successful content creators and online marketers during 2025 when it comes to using eCourses to add profit to your bottom line. Our promise to you is to not waste any of your valuable and precious time with training that is not absolutely crucial to your success.”
Using eCourses Allows You to Present Your Content in a Systematic, Understandable Way So That People Will Pay You to Help Them Solve Their Problems!
You know what a course is, right? Of course, you do! We’ve all taken courses, if only just in school. An eCourse is just a course delivered electronically, in this case over the internet. eCourses provides information and help to your customers on a certain topic in a logical, systematic way, usually over a predetermined period of time or with a set number of lessons.
eCourses are extremely versatile, and open to almost anyone. All you really need is an email account to get started. Everything else just makes things easier and more scalable. How is that possible? Keep reading!
Why are eCourses Important?
Remember the two reasons why people access the internet? To find information and to be entertained.
When people are looking for information on the internet, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. This is where you come in with your eCourse. Your eCourse provides a concise summary or a systematic presentation of the best information available to help those information seekers solve the problem that sent them searching in the first place.
Believe us… People will pay money for this! Searchers need a way to cut through the clutter of too much information on the internet and your eCourse provides the solution.
Online entrepreneurship is a worthy goal, and one that can only be accomplished by doing it. This training builds upon what you already know intuitively, and shows you put your knowledge into a form that really helps others though the “How to Profit with eCourses” training.
We Show You How to Put Your Knowledge Into Action!
Because we’ve been doing this for a combined thirty-seven years, we feel uniquely qualified to help you move forward in the right way. And your success as an online entrepreneur is our greatest reward! Come aboard and prosper with our help!
Regularly, people ask whether or not the window of opportunity has already closed for new online marketers and entrepreneurs when it comes to building a profitable and sustainable business. This is what we know…
The Problem…You believe that creating an eCourse is too tedious and time consuming and isn’t important for your future as an entrepreneur. You feel like this could just be a big waste of your time, energy, and money with little or no payoff to show for it.
The Solution… “How to Profit with eCourses” will turn you into a relevant, effective, and unstoppable teaching machine. We’ll show you step by step how to develop and market your eCourses (and more!) for massive success. Hard work and dedication now will turn your dreams and goals into your reality very soon.
This is What You Will Learn in “How to Profit with eCourses”:
- How an eCourse can be a side-door, related niche for you, to draw in clients through specific training
- Why you don’t even need a website in order to build a responsive list with your eCourses
- How to create your outline – Where are your prospects now? Where will you take them?
- What to focus on so your eCourse will be ready to launch within 7 to 10 days!
- How to share your personal story, without oversharing, as a way to serve your prospects and customers by using the words and phrases they are attracted to naturally
- How serving others, within your family, in your community, and in business can be a joyous, effective, and profitable process
- When to create a second eCourse, and how to use it to more fully monetize your first one!
- How just sharing information, without including paid and free resources, has little value for marketers
We may be slightly oversimplifying here, but the motto to “Keep It Simple” truly is the path to great success for you as an online entrepreneur. And failing forward more than half of the time is okay. You can regularly fail more than half of the time and still earn a decent living as an entrepreneur. Creating a profitable online business is simple, once you learn what works, as well as what doesn’t work, so you can save time by learning from the experiences of others.
Imagine having the time and financial freedom to live the life you choose. Online entrepreneurship is the best way to get started with this lifestyle, is definitely a “hedge against inflation”, and you never know where it might lead you in the future. And it all begins with embracing the mindset of a successful content creator, publisher, and someone who understands the way the internet works!
Knowing How to Turn Your Knowledge Into Income is the Secret to Using eCourses Successfully… and These Are Valuable, Lifelong Skills You Will Learn Quickly in How to Profit with eCourses
Helping others is rewarding and satisfying, and reaching and connecting with them with what you have to offer is the first step. Imagine the feeling of being able to help people around the world with the online courses and other services they need and want. They will be forever grateful to you as their teacher, trainer, and trusted advisor. By making a name for yourself and becoming a trusted advisor in your niche through eCourses, you will change the direction of your life and financial future forever.
Connie says…
“I worked as a classroom teacher for twenty years, and during that time I had absolutely no control over my income. One year the union had us go on strike for two weeks, and I had zero income during that time. If I hadn’t been working part-time in real estate on the side, my house payment and other bills would have been late or not paid at all. Having your own online business is the best hedge against inflation and a weak economy.
“I’ve been working exclusively online since 2006, so it just makes sense that I’ve had more opportunities based on this longevity. If you’re just getting started, have no list or a list of fewer than a hundred names, it makes sense that you will need different tactics and strategies to rise to the level you want and need as an entrepreneur. And that is exactly why I feel uniquely qualified to take you by the hand and move you closer to where you want to be by implementing what you learn in this training on creating an eCourse to build a responsive list, monetizing each lesson, and growing your business exponentially.”
The Training Included in “How to Profit with eCourses”…
- Module 1 – Getting Started with eCourses – Added to Your Members Area
- Module 2 – Choosing a Topic for Your eCourse – Added to Your Members Area
- Module 3 – Monetizing Your eCourse – Added to Your Members Area
- Fall Break – Time to Catch Up, Ask Additional Questions, and Complete Your Assignments
- Module 4 – Creating a Product, Course, or Membership Site with Your eCourse
- Season Two (All Four Sessions Available on Demand in Your Member’s Area)
- Two All New “Technology and Digital Media” Training Sessions
- Season Three (All Four Sessions Available on Demand in Your Member’s Area)
- Seasonal Hiatus to Implement What You Have Learned and To Reach Out to Us (Norma and Connie) for Additional Help and Feedback
- Seasons Four and Five (All Four Sessions Available on Demand in Your Member’s Area)
- Two Full Years of Membership in This Course, Including Replays, Lessons, and Bonus Content
- An Opportunity to Have Us (Connie and Norma) promote your eCourse to Our Communities
We could have charged much more for this training, but it is our goal to make this affordable for as many people as possible. It would be our honor and pleasure to share these concepts and strategies with you to help you become a leader in your niche and a highly effective entrepreneur!
- The Opportunity to Be Mentioned on Our Social Media Platforms With Your eCourse Details (More Than 60K People Will See These!)
- Recommendations For Technical Assistance And Other Outsourcers From My Personal Rolodex
- Two Private One-On-One calls (one with each of us before December 31, 2025) to move you forward
“How to Profit with eCourses: Turn Your Knowledge Into Income” is Perfect For You If You Are New Online, or Have Been Online for Awhile and Still Are Not Earning Steady Income
Norma Esler
P.S. You Have Our Personal Guarantee on This Training Course. If You Are Not Fully Satisfied, Your Investment Will Be Refunded Promptly and Without Question During the First 30 Days.
P.P.S. This “How to Profit with eCourses” Live Training is Very Special and Priced to Fit Your Budget. Do Not Hesitate to Come Aboard and Get Started With the Proven Strategies Norma and Connie Will Teach You Here.
What Others Have To Say About Us…
It’s your integrity, your servant heart, and quality courses that have kept me as a customer for so many years. Not too long after I found you, I ordered a course, twice. Quietly, behind the scenes, you credited my account. How did I find out? I noticed it on my statement. That act revealed that you were a woman of integrity; one I wanted to continue to do business with and to learn from.~ Joyce Heiser
Thank you for introducing Norma to us. She is so open to sharing information, and in a very understandable and “ordinary” way! Wow! ~ Donna S. Lam
If I didn’t already know you, I would want to. ~ Faylee James
You’d be smart to work with Norma. She’s thoughtful, kind and caring. She’s also professional and talented. ~ Angela Wills
Just to say how much I enjoy your training courses, and how helpful I find them. I appreciate the effort and personal touches you put into it, too. ~ Alex Rowan
Norma is the most dedicated and knowledgeable coach, marketer, and trainer I have come to know over the past two years. She’s also one of the best kept secrets and now that’s all going to change! ~ Connie Ragen Green
I’m a fan. I have two of your books. Thanks for being a great teacher and writer. ~ Tony Marino
Connie has a gift for communicating large concepts in ways that make communication possible. She speaks a kind of language that is engaging and easy to comprehend, and this is what students like. I’ve been teaching online and offline courses for a number of years. I took Connie’s program because I wanted to see someone else’s system. I like Connie’s methodology, and I’m glad I took her course. Thanks, Connie. You’re a wonderful teacher. ~ Marilyn Gordon
Thank you, Connie for making it possible for me to “make money while I sleep.” You are helping me get closer to my dream of retiring at 50 and living my life on my terms. ~ Karla Nagerian